Thursday, July 28, 2011

I Love the Uglies.

True statement, but not relating to people. Let's be honest, people are too social of creatures to be ugly. Nope, I'm not talking about people, I'm talking about pets. I've had some good-looking pets in my life, the most handsome of all being my slightly overweight cat Winston who recently passed away after 13 long and love-filled years with me. As I think about what pets lie in my future, I've come to the realization that I want an ugly pet. Here are a few reasons why:

- Pets aren't worried about getting picked last for dodge ball on the playground.
- Pets don't stay at home and cry when they don't have a date to the prom.
- As long as they can still get around, pets don't need to be skinny.
- Pets don't compare their outfits or body shape to other pets.

All a pet cares about is if you love them. I think I can love an ugly pet, they are like kids, you wouldn't give yours away if it was ugly, would you? In fact, if your kid is ugly you have a much harder time because as a parent, you have to help them through all the tough issues that come along with being ugly. Pets don't care; they don't even know they are ugly to the world.

With all this being said, I got a hermit crab last week at the fair. It's indeed one of the ugliest pets I have ever had, but he's not really too much fun. He just lays around in his shell and eats food. With pets, as it should be with people, it's the personality that counts. We can say this rule applies to people all we want but we all know looks are a factor. I encourage everyone to get an ugly pet, it will show that you at least somewhat believe this feel-good mantra of personality over looks.

Monday, March 21, 2011

I should blog about that.

I catch myself, at least twice a week saying, "I should blog about that." I know, it has been months since I have actually taken this advice but, by popular request, I promise to do so more frequently. I mean, I have awesome advice, so I should definitely take it.

Today's morsel of knowledge, short but sweet, you can't get a tan through glass. True story. I like to think of myself as a fairly intelligent person but I just learned this a couple years ago, and was reminded of it last week when my office was turning into a sauna and I was thinking that if I wore less clothes to work I could darken my skin tone...damn you physics. Also can't get your daily dose of vitamin D so get your booty outside.

I know what you are thinking, what about tanning beds? The light bulb is glass, you lay on glass, so what gives? Special super-expensive plexi-like glass that lets all the UV wavelengths through (and doesn't break as easily so obese people can lay on it without fear of glass shards slicing them).