Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Screwing with minds

Here in Rio you can’t buy a Diet Coke. They don’t exist. Diet Pepsi? Nada. What’s that you say? Would I like a coke light? Oh, suuuuuure, call it something different just to mess with me, yes, I appreciate that. They pull this crap in Europe too. Also, way to mess with my head by using the metric system, I have no idea how far 500 meters is, but if you tell me it’s a third of a mile then I’m down to jog, walk, crawl, shoot I will even roll that far. The kilo too, it kills me. This one is particularly tricky because they make you weigh your food at restaurants here, so not only do I have to compare my lack or portion control to those around me but I also have to do the math to see how many pounds of food I’m consuming and really depress myself.

This gets me to thinking how self-centered Americans are. I see this as Rio messing with me when in fact America has long been screwing with the rest of the world. Get with it America, start calling it Pepsi light and let’s adopt the metric system. Who the heck decided that naming the same exact objects or lengths or masses something different than every other country in the world would be a good idea? Sure, I get that we are individualists, we set the trends of the world, America leads and the rest of the world follows, I dig all that good stuff, but this is just unnecessarily difficult.

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